"It's not about being the best; it's about being your best." – Unknown
Imposter syndrome is a real perception (for all of us for different reasons). This topic came up quite a bit at last week’s AASP conference and many cite different reasons:
I don’t have my CMPC yet
I don’t have enough experience
I’m good with individuals, but not groups
And the irony is that each of the conversations I heard on this ended this way:
“Once I have….”
I hate to break to you, but our work is too personal for us. Also, our field is ever changing, which means the ambiguity of the unknown will always foster some version of this. Imposter syndrome is something to work with and keep perspective on, not look at as something to cure. So with that spirit mind, the path ahead.
The Path Ahead
Focus on our processes. Below are some examples:
When meeting your client for this first time, focus on building empathy
When feeling unsure about pricing, research the market
When navigating potential contract meetings, focus on your agendas
When doing workshops our team training, focus on the objectives
When meeting an individual client for the first time, focus on getting to know them
This may sound simple, but just like athletes, when we keep perspective on our processes, it can really help us remember the value we are providing.
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - Second Newsletter
As our readers have grown, so has the diversity of roles in our audience. To help provide more targeted topics, I have started a second newsletter. Think Slow, Play Fast. The second newsletter will focus on mindset and is geared more towards parents and leaders. This newsletter will continue to focus on navigating the field and considerations both from a knowledge perspective as well as consulting.
This Months Events
Weekly coffee, Tuesday mornings 7:O0 am CST.
Zoom: 5106042104 (No Password needed)
Monthly Special Interest Events
Social Happy Hour: Tuesday, November 26th, 7:00 pm CST
Agenda: Catch-up, discuss topics for monthly meetings
Zoom: 5106042104 (No Password needed)