Change is inevitable, growth is an option
- Trevor Moawad
Teaching skills that provide navigation, instead of concentration
Mental skills training tends to be taught statically. For instance, we teach skills such as “concentration”, in which we talk about duration and attempting to help athletes concentrate for longer periods of time. This is a waste of time. Competition is fluid, so we need to help athletes understand how to navigate instead of purely concentrate.
The Path Ahead
Concepts like attention shifting and attentional domains, being mindful towards mistakes and emotions, are just a couple examples that help athletes maintain “fluidity” in their attention, so they are less likely to fall prone to attentional errors while competing. After all, when attentional errors occur, they are most commonly “fixated” and “stuck” on unhelpful cues.
Therefore, utilize the specific sport as the canvas for design. Pick a sport and break down competition.
What are the natural breaks?
When are the hectic, fast paced moments?
Which skills lend themselves to be implemented in these areas?
From here you can more easily create routines with your clients that work with the flow of competition, allowing them to establish intentions and navigate natural challenges more consistently.
This Months Events
Weekly coffee, Tuesday mornings 7:O0 am CST.
Zoom: 5106042104 (No Password needed)
Monthly Special Interest Events
Social Happy Hour: Slight change. Monday, November 26th, 7:00 pm CST
Agenda: Catch-up, discuss topics for monthly meetings
Zoom: 5106042104 (No Password needed)
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REMINDER - Second Newsletter
As our readers have grown, so has the diversity of roles in our audience. To help provide more targeted topics, I have started a second newsletter. Think Slow, Play Fast. The second newsletter will focus on mindset and is geared more towards parents and leaders. This newsletter will continue to focus on navigating the field and considerations both from a knowledge perspective as well as consulting.