“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”
- Simon Sinek
I was recently asked about what makes consulting so difficult (besides wearing multiple hats)…and one major difference from when I first started until now is how I share my story during the getting to know you process when meeting leaders.
I’ve noticed in academics we tend to spend a lot of our time focused on the literal “why” we do what we do and not enough time reflecting on the “story” around our why.
When we get comfortable sharing our story it opens up a dialogue for coaches/leaders to connect with. We can share our observations around performance and the common needs. From there it opens up the conversation around style and delivery preferences. Ultimately, leading to a proposal of options. It also, opens up the opportunity for recognizing when things are not a good fit.
The Path Ahead
Start looking at what story you want to convey during a first meeting with coaches and/or leaders you are attempting to work with. By story, I mean the narrative around how you view high performance. Start weaving this into your talking points when coaches ask you about what you do and what this looks like and see the difference in the tone. For those of you who are new to this or haven’t reflected on it yet, below are a few questions to get you started:
What is your philosophy/perspective on high performance? What do you think individuals and teams need?
What are common challenges you see with today’s competitors?
What would be compelling observations that are worth sharing with coaches/leaders that would be unique to your views?
This Months Events
Weekly coffee, Tuesday mornings 7:00 am CST.
Zoom: 5106042104 (No Password needed)
Monthly Special Interest Events
Social Happy Hour: Slight change. Monday, November 25th, 7:00 pm CST
Agenda: Catch-up, discuss topics for monthly meetings
Zoom: 5106042104 (No Password needed)
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REMINDER - Second Newsletter
As our readers have grown, so has the diversity of roles in our audience. To help provide more targeted topics, I have started a second newsletter. Think Slow, Play Fast. The second newsletter will focus on mindset and is geared more towards parents and leaders. This newsletter will continue to focus on navigating the field and considerations both from a knowledge perspective as well as consulting.