In our kick-off to restarting the newsletter at the beginning of May, I re-introduced the idea of mindset and it’s importance to providing context to the skills we teach and train. Additionally, there are so many nuances out there it can also provide us a terrific source of specialized training offerings to compliment our more common services.
This is why having a multi-disciplinary approach can pay dividends.
So what types of things constitute “nuances” of mindset training?
Social influences and relationships
Wisdom (aspects of the can reflect emotional intelligence)
Being mindful
Navigating change
Learning and Mastery/Expertise
The above are just a few examples (but distinct examples) of what this can look like. Each of these areas are either - ways in which we can tailor training and/or recognize what influences our mentality. Thus, allowing you to broaden your capabilities — especially in group/team training settings.
As you think about these topics, consider the following:
What areas may you want to push yourself for continuing education to compliment the traditional sport psychology education you already have - and -
Identify key skills that work well together to “package” as a training offering to support common needs such as leadership development, motivational climate, emotional regulation, just to name a few.
As you reflect on the above questions, remember that you will all have a core process that you work around - whether at work or as part of an independent business. Today’s conversation isn’t intended to have you reinvent the wheel, but it is intended to help you look at your knowledge in a creative way. And recognizing the various approaches to mindset can help us broaden our capabilities and offer specialized training to our audiences.
All events will be conducted via zoom. I provided the meeting ID in case the link isn’t working, so we should be all covered!
I will start sending out weekly event updates as reminders so it’s easier to track.
Below is what’s on TAP for June.
Morning Brew: Every Week 8:00 AM CST (Now Mondays starting June). Grab coffee, talk shop, and catch up.
Zoom ID: 510604214 (No Password Needed )
Link Option: Zoom Link
SIG Meeting and Social Hour: Monday, June 3rd, 7pm CST
Topic: Researching the Market: Consulting Considerations
Zoom ID: 510604214 (No Password Needed)
Link Option: Zoom Link
Video Resources
Curated content for a wide range of consulting needs ranging from mental skills training to business strategies:
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