I previously discussed the benefits of niching down and the benefits of specializing within the field. (See previous article Niche Down). More recently, niching down has been running front and center for me for one obvious reason: Bandwidth.
I’m sure most of you reading this are in the same position…we are “solopreneurs” or at least, we have to do most things ourselves. It’s not like we are a pure “CEO” where we are running strategic decisions and not having to also execute day to day responsibilities. For most of us, we have to do it all. Plan, execute, assess.
This is where niching down can really pay dividends. (As a reminder, a couple common examples of niching down can be with specializing with an audience and/or specializing in a service/program delivery model).
It simplifies the message and your offerings
Allows you to make stronger connections with your client groups
Simplifying the message and creating connection
How often do you find yourself trying to promote “sport psychology”? Attempting to brand and sell an abstract field. It’s difficult and most importantly, it confuses our audience. By niching down, it allows you to reflect on what specific services you want to offer and the benefits they provide. This in turn allows you to articulate with great clarity what YOU do and how YOU help. It allows you to start showing your individual value instead of promoting the ideals of an entire industry. Connections drive a business. Simpler the message, the easier it is to build the connections.
Simplifying the Offerings
As an extension of simplifying the message, this approach can really helps you refine core offerings with your services and/or programming. By having a specific audience you can tailor your support options more easily, or by having a specific consulting model, it allows you to be more clearly articulate the logistics behind what you do. You can design a program or service option and know exactly what is needed to execute it. Below are common benefits:
Basic pricing structures
Clear meeting and communication options around services
Training/learning objectives
Application to performance
I mean, think about how overwhelming it can feel some times to try and organize all the knowledge from school and feel confident in a process?
Thinking about all of the fun things we can do with our education is great, but it does stretch us thin. And if we are looking to engage in meaningful work, we need to be fair to ourselves in the process. Even if we take some of the competitive advantages out of the conversation by “niching down”, its just a harder road to try and brand and market yourselves to everyone. So as we walk away from today’s conversation, be honest about what you value and be okay letting other types of work go.
A great book that harnesses this philosophy is: “The Pumpkin Plan”.
This Months Events
All events will be conducted via zoom. For the remainder of this month, I’ll still be running weekly coffee sessions. They will be on Wednesdays for the remainder of this month.
Morning Brew: Every Week 8:00 am CST (Wednesday). Grab coffee, talk shop, and catch up.
Zoom ID: 510604214 (No Password Needed )
Link Option: Zoom Link
Video Resources
Curated content for a wide range of consulting needs ranging from mental skills training to business strategies:
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